
5 Principles I Relearned During Mercury Retrograde

5 Principles I Relearned During Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde hit me like a ton of bricks over the past couple of weeks. I was a mess and felt myself spiraling out of control. It seemed like nothing in my life was connecting or even making sense. I was hanging by a thread in all aspects of my life, from work, personal relationships, financially to my spirituality. I knew something was shifting in my world for a reason, so I submitted to what God and the Universe was doing and ultimately relearned some key principles.

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ColorComm C2 Conference Recap

ColorComm C2 Conference Recap

My experience at the C2 Conference was life-changing, transformative and needed. I was yearning to see women of color in my field that I could resonate with and grow from and I got to see over 400 of them. I was able to attend sessions hosted by top global PR agencies, like: Ogilvy, Fleishman Hilliard, Burson Marseller, and Edelman. I gained invaluable advice from each session and definitely had some fun in the sun, brought to us by the Ritz Carlton of Key Biscayne and of course, BET. However, the biggest takeaway from the conference, was the beauty of believing in myself and the magic that I possess.

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